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Biggest PTE Savings – Unlimited Professional PTE Training

Biggest PTE Savings – Unlimited Professional PTE Training

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PTE Study Centre is offering the biggest PTE savings of the year. Our professional PTE training package starts from $450 which is the biggest price drop so far with unlimited access. This offer will stay up till 1st of January 2022. All the prices will go up after this offer.

Biggest PTE Savings - PTE

About PTE Study Centre:

PTE Study Centre has claimed and maintained the number #1 spot by continuous success KPI 32000+ success in Australia. We are the industry leader in PTE training innovations such as Ai-aided Training, Intensive Training, Mentorship Program & PTE Progress Tracking Systems. We guarantee the fastest possible success through our risk-free strategies. Furthermore, we provide the greatest possible flexibility in online training. We are the first one to adopt the flipped classroom model into our training methods. To add more, we have 5+ campuses in 4 major cities in Australia – Adelaide, Brisbane, Melbourne, Sydney, Gold coast.

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Why Us?

  • Number 1 Online PTE Training: We are the pioneer of Online PTE training and we have secured #1 position in online PTE training in Australia. This online PTE training was born out of the need to afford all PTE candidates in Australia the greatest flexibility possible in online PTE training during the COVID-19 pandemic. Since then, we pride ourselves in providing the best online PTE training in Australia.
  • Excellent Campus Facilities: Our excellent campus facilities prove the effectiveness of our training. We have-
  • Most Positively Reviewed PTE Trainer in Australia: PTE Study Centre has the best PTE trainers. All our trainers are Highly professional and immensely passionate: TESOL / CELTA qualified. We have been continually receiving 100% positive reviews on Facebook from successful PTE & NAATI CCL students. We have simply become a Go-To place for anyone seeking professional training system and facilities for PTE and NAATI CCL, on Campus or Online.
  • Unlimited Access to AI Portal: In our PTE packages, you will get unlimited access to our one of a kind AI portal AIWAS Plus. This virtual trainer quickly identifies your strengths and weaknesses and formulates a study plan around your target score in PTE. The main purpose of this technology is to provide you a training platform with instant AI based scoring with detailed feedback.
  • 24/7 Video Lecture Portal: PTE Study Centre provides easy access to the lecture portals 24/7, which means students can choose any time of the day at their convenience. They also have the opportunity to book personalized consultation sessions with teachers when necessary. During the consultation hours, students get their works reviewed and have discussions over specific topics they need proper understanding about from the classes.

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So, don’t miss this golden opportunity and secure the biggest PTE savings of the year! Pay now and you can start anytime you want and practice for your upcoming PTE exam. Limited seats are available.

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