PTE STUDY CENTRE gives you all the Tips you need for your PTE exam.
Most test-takers yet don’t know about the DOS & DONT’S of PTE exam. So, here are a set of tips that will help you to understand and overcome your mistakes and help you get your desired PTE score.
Do’s and Don’ts:
- Read Aloud
DO SPEAK in phrases with appropriate intonation
DON’T REPEAT any words even if you make a mistake while reading - Repeat Sentence
DO LISTEN in meaningful chunks
DON’T INSERT or modify any words - Describe Image
DO FOCUS on fluency more than content accuracy
DON’T SIMPLY read aloud all the information given in the image - Re-Tell Lecture
DO TAKE notes in the form of sentences or key phrases for higher content match
DON’T HESITATE or mumble in your response - Answer Short Question
DO REPLY with a short answer, not a full sentence
DON’T GO silent for more than 3 seconds - Summarize Written Text
DO READ the passage to identify the main ideas
DON’T INCLUDE your own ideas about the topic - Write Essay
DO ADDRESS all the keywords from the question prompt
DON’T FORGET to revise your essay to identify typing errors - Reading & Writing: Fill in the Blanks
DO READ the passage to understand the meaning
DON’T BLINDLY select an option - Reading & Writing: Multiple Answer
DO READ the question before you read the passage
DON’T SELECT more than one option if you are not sure - Re-order Paragraph
DO LOOK for keywords to find pairs
DON’T SPEND too much time in finding out the first sentence of the text - Reading: Fill in the Blanks
DO USE your grammar knowledge of Parts of Speech to increase the chances of getting the right answer
DON’T LEAVE any blanks unanswered as there’s no negative scoring for choosing the wrong option - Reading MCQ: Single Answer
DO READ the question before you read the passage
DON’T SKIP the question - Summarize Spoken Text
DO LISTEN to identify the main ideas and write them down
DON’T MISQUOTE the topic - Listening MCQ: Multiple Answer
DO READ the question & understand what exactly is asked before the audio starts
DON’T LOSE track of time - Listening: Fill in the Blanks
DO NOTE down the missing words on the given erasable notebook
DON’T IGNORE the importance of spelling and capitalization - Highlight Correct Summary
DO TAKE notes comprehensively, the same way you do for RL and SST
DON’T READ the options before or while you are listening to the recording - Listening MCQ: Single Answer
DO SKIM the options before the recording starts
DON’T BLINDLY select an option - Select Missing Word
DO TRY to understand the theme of the lecture
DON’T SELECT an option based on collocation. This might be tricky - Highlight Incorrect Word
DO LISTEN to every single word
DON’T READ the text aloud while listening. This will distract you - Write from Dictation
DO FOLLOW the oral sequencing of words in the recording
DON’T FORGET to check for grammar and spelling
To sum up, follow these set of tips, clear all your doubts about PTE exam and get your desired PTE score QUICKLY and EASILY! Get your FREE expert consultation now!