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PTE Virtual Trainer Powered by AIWAS Plus

PTE Virtual Trainer Powered by AIWAS Plus

PTE Study Centre’s AIWAS Plus is an artificial intelligence technology that makes fully automated PTE scoring possible as your PTE virtual trainer. In the absence of a real PTE trainer, our virtual trainer is designed to perform just like an expert human trainer would. This virtual trainer instantly assesses your skills and weaknesses and develops a study strategy based on your PTE target score. This technology’s major goal is to give you with a training environment that includes fast AI-based scoring and thorough feedback. All the generated feedback is intuitively captured and tracked for continual improvement. It also works in tandem with our AI Study Guide to create the most effective study plan for you, updating itself as you travel across the platform.

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About AIWAS Plus

  • First PTE AI Platform which includes speaking content recognition
  • Only English Proficiency Test Platform with pitch ditection technology
  • Only AI PTE Platform developed by the pioneer of PTE training in Australia
  • Better than Other PTE Tools as it performs better than APEUni, PTE Tools, Real PTE

AIWAS Plus Features

  • PTE Score Analyzer: By this tool, you can analyze your PTE Score and give you accurate analytics of your scorecard.
  • AI Study Guide: This is generated based on level and time left for the next exam.
  • PTE Diagnostic Test: You can know your strengths and weaknesses by using this tool.
  • AI Prediction: This is updated every minute and gives you the best set of questions that might come in your PTE exam.
  • Format Analysis: You can clear your doubts and build up confidence by this.
  • AI Mock Test: This is the replica of Pearson’s actual test.

Why AIWAS Plus

  • Firstly, this AI is built ornately by genuine industry leading PTE experts.
  • Secondly, this is developed with theoretical knowledge and experimental data, NOT reverse engineered.
  • Lastly, It is endorsed by the highest number of successful students and 40+ experienced PTE trainer from all across Australia.

To sum up, if you are looking for the best PTE training tool, AIWAS Plus is just what you need. So, sign up now!

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