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PTE Decision Flow Chart: A Self-managed Study Plan Guide

PTE Decision Flow Chart: A Self-managed Study Plan Guide

Preparing for the PTE exams can be pretty daunting, especially when it comes to having a self-managed study plan. You can’t be all over the place because it will only lessen your confidence and result in having a poor preparation. Hence, we have prepared a “PTE Decision Flow Chart – Self-managed PTE Study Plan” for you which is really easy to follow and effective from the get-go.

Prioritizing your topics is by far your best option when it comes to having excellent preparation. But how would you know which topics should be given higher priorities? Luckily for you, we have also done our research and put it in this post. Let’s have a discusion about the PTE decision flow chart.

PTE Decision Flow Chart

Repeat Sentence and Write from Dictation should be your highest priority. According to our research, these two influence the score way more than the others. Keep on practicing these topics till you have reached a higher confidence level and only then, move to the other topics.

Moving on, let’s focus on the Read Aloud and Re-tell Lecture topics. These might not have the highest priorities when it comes to carrying marks, don’t ignore them. Practice these topics as much as you and only then move on to the next topics.

Next, focus on the Fill in the Blanks options in both the Reading and the Writing section. There really isn’t much to say other than keep on practicing till you feel confident to move to the next topic. Next up, let’s focus on Summarizing. Summarizing in both written and spoken text should be your focus and focus on them till you have a higher confidence level in this field.

After that, we have to focus on the Listening part. Fill in the Blanks and Highlight Incorrect Words should be taken into consideration as well as they can sometimes be easy to mistaken. Practice these until you are confident enough to move to the next level. Then, focus on Essay, Re-order Paragraph and Describe Image. They may not be of a higher priority but it doesn’t mean that you can just ignore them. Practice them thoroughly as well till you are confident.

After that, we have to focus on the Listening part. Fill in the Blanks and Highlight Incorrect Words should be taken into consideration as well as they can sometimes be easy to mistaken. Practice these until you are confident enough to move to the next level. Then, focus on Essay, Re-order Paragraph and Describe Image. They may not be of a higher priority but it doesn’t mean that you can just ignore them. Practice them thoroughly as well by following the decision flow chart till you are confident.

Decision Flow Chart Card

Hopefully, this guide will get you started and have an excellent self-managed preparation. If you’d like to grab a free copy of the PTE Decision Flow Chart! You can also practice in our AI portal AIWAS Plus for better understanding of the question pattern and improve your confidence.


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