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PTE Listening Mastery: The Essential Do’s and Don’ts for Acing PTE Write from Dictation Tasks

PTE Listening Mastery: The Essential Do’s and Don’ts for Acing PTE Write from Dictation Tasks

If you are planning to take the Pearson Test of English (PTE) exam, then you must be aware of the importance of the listening section. Listening is an integral part of the PTE and can play a crucial role in improving your overall score. In this video, we have compiled the top 5 do’s and don’ts of PTE write from dictation tasks that can help you ace this section of the exam.

Do’s for Write from Dictation

  • Listen to the audio recording carefully:
    Listen to the audio recording carefully
    Before you start your listening test, make sure that you focus your attention on the audio recording. Listen and understand the key words that are being said rather than rushing through it.
  • Take notes while listening:
    Take notes while listening
    As you are listening to the audio, try to jot down the important points that you hear. This will help you in better understanding the audio and will also allow you to recall the main points easily.
  • Read the questions before you listen:
    Read the questions before you listen
    Scan through the questions that are given in the listening section so that you can get an idea of the kind of information you should be looking out for.
  • Use the pause button:
    Use the pause button
    The PTE listening section provides you with the option of using the pause button when you need more time to process the audio. Use this feature to your advantage as it will give you the time to think through the content you have heard.
  • Use the rewind button:
    Use the rewind buttonYou can also use the rewind button if you want to go back to a part of the audio that you did not understand. This can be helpful in getting a better understanding of the content.

Dont’s for Write from Dictation

  • Don’t assume the answers:
    Don’t assume the answers
    Never assume that you have understood the content of the audio and answer the questions accordingly. It is better to be sure before attempting the questions.
  • Don’t skip any of the questions:
    Don’t skip any of the questions
    It is important that you attempt all the questions in the listening section. Even if you are unsure about an answer, it is better to take a guess rather than skipping the question.
  • Don’t panic:
    Don’t panic
    Listening to a long audio can be overwhelming but it is important that you remain calm in such situations. Take a few seconds to collect your thoughts before attempting the questions.
  • Don’t rush:
    Don’t rush
    Make sure that you don’t rush through the audio recording. Listen carefully to the audio and understand all the points before attempting the questions.
  • Don’t rely on memory:
    Don’t rely on memory
    It is important that you don’t rely on your memory while attempting the questions in the listening section of the PTE exam. Use the pause and rewind button if you are having any issues understanding the content.

Overall, it is important that you keep these do’s and don’ts in mind while preparing for the PTE listening section. Following these tips can help you get a higher score in this section of the exam. As always, be sure to follow us for more important updates on PTE. You can also try our AI Portal AIWAS Plus for online PTE practice.

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